Wilwood GP320 (Four Piston) links Montageabstand 88,9mm, 31,8mm Kolben

EUR 208,48

EUR 208,48 pro Stück

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Wilwood GP320 (Four Piston) links Montageabstand 88,9mm, 31,8mm Kolben

Art.Nr. WIL120-8525

EAN 889545006193

Verkauf nur paarweise mit WIL120-8524 - Keine Einzelabgabe!


Farbe: grau anoisiert

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Importeur: Schlüter Motorsport, Bernhard Schlüter • Hanfeldstrasse 40 • D-49733 Haren • info@rennsportshop.com

  Mehr Details


Wilwood GP320 (Four Piston) links Montageabstand 88,9mm, 31,8mm Kolben

Der GP 320 ist die ideale Bremszange für alle Spezial-Cross Fahrzeuge und Leichte Tourenwagen.
Die kompakten Abmessungen lassen den Einbau in 13"" Felgen zu.
Keine abgeschliffenen Anschlüsse, oder Entlüfternippel mehr.

Scheibendicke: 4,6- 6,0 mm
Kolbendurchmesser: 31,8mm
Ø Scheibe: 229,0 - 292,0 mm
Gewicht: 740 g (ohne Beläge)
Anschlussgewinde: 1/8 NPT innen

• GP320 Caliper The GP 320 billet four piston caliper is a compact, high efficiency performer. Weighing just 1.70 pounds, it was purpose built as an upgrade with increased pad size over two piston calipers on lightweight open wheeled racecars. The GP 320 is also well suited to other performance and racing applications including, but not limited to karts, motorcycles, mini-sprints, and formula sports racers. The GP 320 bridge configuration will accommodate rotors between .19"" and .25"" thick, with overall diameters between 9.00"" and 11.50"".

Caliper is full CNC detail machined from premium alloy billet. FEA structural analysis technology was employed to develop a design that minimizes weight and maximizes rigidity against deflection. Full width bridges are reinforced with four, high strength steel cross bridge bolts. The cross bridge bolts are coated for corrosion resistance and provide added resistance to deflection and body separation under high loads. Internal fluid ports with a single outboard bleeder provide quick and effective evacuation of gasses and spent fluid.

Clamping force is generated by four, 1.25"" diameter, stainless steel pistons. The clamping force is spread evenly over the length of the pad to minimize backing plate deflection and promote balanced pad wear. The overall piston bore area provides an increase in clamping force over similar range two piston calipers. Stainless steel is used to resist corrosion and retard the heat transfer from the brake pad to the caliper body, seals, and fluid.

The GP 320 uses Wilwood type 6211 brake pads. The pads measure .44"" (11,2mm) thick with an overall length of 2.74"" ( 69,6mm). This represents nearly a 50% increase in pad area over some of the popular two piston calipers used on similar applications. The 6211 pad is available in PolyMatrix ""H"" compound which provides predictable engagement, high friction, long wear, and extreme high temperature fade resistance in the harshest conditions.

Other Wilwood performance enhancements include high temperature square faced bore seals that provide a wide sealing area with positive piston retraction on release. Quick-Clip retention pins provide easy access for pad service without caliper removal. The calipers are finished in signature Wilwood high luster black anodizing for protection against corrosion and the elements.

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